Firefox State Partitioning

State Partitioning is an interesting privacy feature shipping with Firefox 86. With State Partitioning, shared state such as cookies, localStorage, etc. will be partitioned (isolated) by the top-level website you’re visiting. In other words, every first party and its embedded third-party contexts will be put into a self-contained bucket. Applies to every embedded third-party resource …

How ads follow you around the internet

A video-version of How tracking pixels work by Vox: In this video, we explain how cookies work and what you should know about how they’re being used. And we get a little help from the man who invented them. Spot on “Finding Dory” analogy. One thing where they do go off a bit is that …

How tracking pixels work

Julia Evans: I spent some time talking to a reporter yesterday about how advertisers track people on the internet. We had a really fun time looking at Firefox’s developer tools together (I’m not an internet privacy expert, but I do know how to use the network tab in developer tools!) and I learned a few …