Interacting with the iOS Simulator from the Command Line using simctl

Wasn’t aware of this, but turns out one can control (and interact with) the iOS Simulator straight from the command line. There’s no need to install anything new though. The tool we’re going to be using is already on our Mac, hiding inside the xcrun command, which gets installed with Xcode. It’s called simctl. Here’s …

Run a Terminal task list with listr

With listr one can define a set of tasks to run: const execa = require("execa"); const Listr = require("listr"); const tasks = new Listr([ { title: "Git", task: () => { return new Listr([ { title: "Checking git status", task: () => execa.stdout("git', ['status', '–porcelain"]).then(result => { if (result !== "") { throw new Error("Unclean …

Find relevant emoji from text on the command-line with emoj

Geekfun: emoj is written in Node and uses the Dango API, which helps you quickly find emoji by understanding what you type using deep learning. Installation via npm (requires Node >= 4): npm install –global emoj emoj Source (GitHub) → Dango: Teaching Robots to Feel: Emoji & Deep Learning 👾 💭 💕 →

Easily create new CLI aliases with `new-alias`

I love stuff like this: It’s a handy little alias to create aliases for commands you just ran … an “alias-generating alias”; my inner geek rejoices 🙂 Here’s the code (add it to your .bash_profile): new-alias() { local last_command=$(echo `history |tail -n2 |head -n1` | sed ‘s/[0-9]* //’) echo alias $1=”‘””$last_command””‘” >> ~/.bash_profile . ~/.bash_profile …

HTTPie – Command line HTTP client

HTTPie (pronounced aych-tee-tee-pie) is a command line HTTP client. Its goal is to make CLI interaction with web services as human-friendly as possible. It provides a simple http command that allows for sending arbitrary HTTP requests using a simple and natural syntax, and displays colorized output. HTTPie can be used for testing, debugging, and generally … – The world’s most simple monitoring service.

~$# start monitoring your server with a single curl command. ~$curl [ ok ] Ping alert created for host ‘’ and email ‘’. Check your email to activate it. ~$# activate the first and the next ones are activated automatically. ~$curl [ ok ] Ping alert created for host ‘’ and email ‘’. …

ANSI Control Functions and ANSI Control Sequences (Colors, Erasing, etc.) for PHP CLI Apps

As a side project for Monolog Colored Line Formatter (which int itself also is a side project for Mixed Content Scan) I just published is ANSI PHP. bramus/ansi-php is a set of classes to working with ANSI Control Functions and ANSI Control Sequences (ANSI Escape Sequences) on text based terminals. ANSI Control Functions control an …