The Culture of Free and The Future of Google

Anyone who still believes that Google is all about giving everything away for free, hasn’t really paid attention to just how much Google has changed. Google is not a free service anymore. It’s a premium service where you pay for what you use via Google Drive. Lengthy article definitely worth your time; Highly recommended read. …

Google Drive Application Data Folders

The ‘Application Data folder’ is a special folder that is only accessible by your application. Its content is hidden from the user, and from other apps. Despite being hidden from the user, the Application Data folder is stored on the user’s Drive and therefore uses the user’s Drive storage quota. The Application Data folder can …

Lucidchart and Google Drive

At the school I teach at, we’ve been using Lucidchart to create our website wireframes. What caught my eye today is that they’ve launched a tight Google Drive integration With Lucidchart installed for Google Drive, you can: Create, open and share Lucidchart documents from Drive View, open and edit Microsoft Visio documents from Drive Export …

Google Drive’s Privacy Policy

Google Drive’s Privacy Policy compared to the other players out there. In short, Google is giving itself all the permissions it could possibly need to run all of Google services, with the specific limitations that it doesn’t own anything you upload and it can’t use your data beyond running its services. Also: Dropbox’s language is …