Space.js – HTML-driven narrative 3D-scrolling

For our messages to communicate across efficiently, we need to create a powerful connection between the user and our medium. Today we are going to explore a new way of presenting stories on the web. And for this I’ve created an open-source and free to use JavaScript library i call space.js. It’s basically parallax technologies …

Polylion: SVG polygon animation

Using a tad of JavaScript it iterates all <polygon> elements of the SVG and animates them using TimelineMax. It’s also possible without TimelineMax, by using a CSS animation, and by changing animation-delay per <polygon>. // SCSS @keyframes polyonlion-animation { to { transform: scale(1); opacity: 1; } } .polyonlion > g polygon { transform: scale(0); transform-origin: …

ScrollMe – A jQuery plugin for adding simple scrolling effects to web pages

<div class="scrollme"> <div class="animateme" data-when="enter" data-from="0.5" data-to="0" data-opacity="0" data-translatex="-200" data-rotatez="90" > Yup, that’s all. </div> </div> ScrollMe is a jQuery plugin for adding simple scrolling effects to web pages. As you scroll down the page ScrollMe can scale, rotate, translate and change the opacity of elements on the page. It’s easy to set up and …

scrollReveal.js – Easily reveal elements as they enter the viewport

<div data-sr="enter left please, and hustle 20px"> Foo </div> <div data-sr="wait 2.5s and then ease-in-out 100px"> Bar </div> <div data-sr="enter bottom and scale up 20% over 2s"> Baz </div> <script src=’/js/scrollReveal.min.js’></script> <script> = new scrollReveal(); </script> Just add data-sr to an element, and it will reveal as it enters the viewport. The data-sr attribute …

Web Animations now in Chrome

snowFlake.animate([ {transform: ‘translate(‘ + snowLeft + ‘px, -100%)’}, {transform: ‘translate(‘ + snowLeft + ‘px, ‘ + window.innerHeight + ‘px)’} ], { duration: 1500, iterations: 10, delay: 300 }); Glad to see this one land 🙂 Web Animations – element.animate() is now in Chrome 36 → Related: Web Animations Preview Web Animations Polyfill