
Past Monday the fifth and final episode of HBO’s Chernobyl miniseries aired. I’ve enjoyed watching this show, which covers the events that lead up to and followed the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster in 1986. Solid acting, good storytelling, brilliant atmosphere, … Highly recommended! Also: That font (not the one from the trailer but the one from …

Developing TV Apps with React-TV

TVs usually have limited graphics acceleration, single core CPUs and high memory usage for a common TV App. These restrictions make super responsive 60fps experiences especially tricky. React-TV is an ecosystem for React Applications on TVs. Includes a Renderer and a CLI tool for building applications. Focused on be a better tool for building and …

Westworld’s multiple timeline theory

The HBO series Westworld is tricking fans into thinking the story takes in chronological order. However, a close look reveals that what we’re seeing is a nonlinear timeline. Two of the main storylines — the Man in Black in one, and William and Logan in the other — are actually separated by at least 30 …

Kevin Spacey urges TV channels to give control to viewers

If you watch a TV show on your iPad is it no longer a TV show? The device and length are irrelevant … For kids growing up now there’s no difference watching Avatar on an iPad or watching YouTube on a TV and watching Game Of Thrones on their computer. It’s all content. It’s all …