Recoil – An Experimental State Management Library for React

Recoil is the State Management Library for React they use at Facebook. Recoil lets you create a data-flow graph that flows from atoms (shared state) through selectors (pure functions) and down into your React components. Atoms are units of state that components can subscribe to. Selectors transform this state either synchronously or asynchronously Best to …

useImmer – A React Hook to use Immer to manipulate state

useImmer(initialState) is very similar to useState. The function returns a tuple, the first value of the tuple is the current state, the second is the updater function, which accepts an immer producer function, in which the draft can be mutated freely, until the producer ends and the changes will be made immutable and become the …

Mutik – A tiny immutable state management library based on Immer

Nice work by Jared Palmer: a React State Management Library which uses Immer internally so you don’t have to worry about overwriting (unrelated) parts of your state whilst updating some value in it. import React from 'react'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; import { createStore, Provider, useSelector } from 'mutik'; // Create a lil' …

Manage React State with zustand

Small, fast and scaleable bearbones state-management solution. Has a comfy api based on hooks, that isn’t boilerplatey or opinionated, but still just enough to be explicit and flux-like. import create from 'zustand' const [useStore] = create(set => ({ count: 1, inc: () => set(state => ({ count: state.count + 1 })), dec: () => set(state …

Unstated  —  The setState of React State Management

Unstated is designed to build on top of the patterns already set out by React components and (the new) Context. Unstated is built upon three pieces that all work together: Container <Subscribe> <Provider> The idea is that the Container only keeps itself busy with the state. Using <Subscribe> you can link that state to your …