Connect to a Database from CSS

You can’t connect to a database from within CSS, Right? Or can you? Leveraging Houdini and SQL.js — which is SQLite compiled to JavaScript to serve as in-memory DB — you can. Using some Custom Properties, you can pass in queries to be executed. .query-display { background: paint(sql-css); } main { –sql-query: SELECT * FROM …


SQLite compiled to JavaScript through Emscripten var db =; db.exec("CREATE TABLE my_table(a INTEGER, b INTEGER, c VARCHAR(100));"); db.exec("INSERT INTO my_table VALUES(1,13153,’thirteen thousand one hundred fifty three’);"); db.exec("INSERT INTO my_table VALUES(1,987,’some other number’);"); var data = db.exec("SELECT count(*) FROM my_table;"); sql.js demo → sql.js source (GitHub) →

MySQL: Get next AUTO_INCREMENT value from/for table

Note to self: To get the next auto_increment value from a table run this query: SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "databaseName" AND TABLE_NAME = "tableName" Don’t forget it (again). Did this help you out? Like what you see?Consider donating. I don’t run ads on my blog nor do I do this for profit. …