Reqres – Test your front-end against a real API

Reqres simulates real application scenarios. If you want to test a user authentication system, Reqres will respond to a successful login/register request with a token for you to identify a sample user, or with a 403 forbidden response to an unsuccessful login/registration attempt. Great to see an initiative like this. Nearly three years ago I …

Slate – Beautiful static documentation for your API

Slate helps you create beautiful API documentation. Think of it as an intelligent, responsive documentation template for your API. Slate – Beautiful static documentation for your API → Tutorial: Writing API Documentation with Slate → Related: Swagger, a dynamic documentation generator


Speaking of APIs and documentation in the previous post: Swagger is a specification and complete framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services. Describe your API in a JSON file like this, and Swagger will turn it into that. Alternatively you can provide your project with Swagger Annotations and then run it …

Your API Consumers Aren’t Who You Think They Are

Traditionally, you’d expect most inquiries about APIs to be very technical: How can I upload bulk attachments with multipart POST bodies? Increasingly, questions are becoming more like amateur Stack Overflow questions: How do I hook the Microsoft Access into the REST? The users behind such questions aren’t tech-illiterate, they simply have no idea how to …

DocJSON – JSON HyperMedia Documents

A DocJSON document consists of standard JSON with the addition of a set of hypermedia controls that are used to express the actions that may be taken. DocJSON is a flexible document format that does not impose any structural restrictions either on the data representation style or on the layout of hypermedia controls used within …


{ “links”: { “”: { “href”: “{}”, “type”: “people” }, “posts.comments”: { “href”: “{posts.comments}”, “type”: “comments” } } “posts”: [{ “id”: “1”, “title”: “Rails is Omakase”, “links”: { “author”: “9”, “comments”: [ “1”, “2”, “3” ] }, { “id”: “2”, “title”: “The Parley Letter”, “links”: { “author”: “9”, “comments”: [ “4”, “5” ] }, { …

pytesla — Python bindings to the Tesla Model S REST API

pytesla is a python binding to the Tesla Model S REST API so that you can monitor your car or programmatically interact with it. It makes it easy to schedule charging times, trigger heating/cooling according to weather or just gather stats. A car with an API, how cool is that? Can’t wait for the day …

Guzzle — PHP HTTP Client

Guzzle is a framework that includes the tools needed to create a robust web service client, including: Service descriptions for defining the inputs and outputs of an API, resource iterators for traversing paginated resources, batching for sending a large number of requests as efficiently as possible. <?php require_once ‘vendor/autoload.php’; use Guzzle\Http\Client; // Create a client …

Simple REST API Explorer

Just pushed a new project to GitHub named Simple REST API Explorer, a simple way to showcasing and exploring all endpoints of your RESTful API. The demo allows you to call some Twitter API endpoints a sample RESTful API I’ve quickly knocked up as the Twitter API is rather unstructured. Update the index.html file to …