Unstated  —  The setState of React State Management

Unstated is designed to build on top of the patterns already set out by React components and (the new) Context. Unstated is built upon three pieces that all work together: Container <Subscribe> <Provider> The idea is that the Container only keeps itself busy with the state. Using <Subscribe> you can link that state to your …

The exciting future of React

Good talk by Kitze on some of the new features of React. Think Error Boundaries, the new Context API, etc. Additionally he also looks forwards to getDerivedStateFromProps, the upcoming deprecation of componentWillMount / componentWillUpdate / componentWillReceiveProps, and the aforementioned (but no longer available?) call-return feature.

What’s next for React? Beyond React 16

Dan Abramov – of Redux fame – just spoke at JSConf Iceland 2018 previewing two new features that will make it in a future version of React. The first demo shows time slicing, which can be translated to async rendering: “We’ve built a generic way to ensure that high-priority updates don’t get blocked by a …

Proton Native – Create Native Desktop Applications Powered by React

Unlike Electron this one results in true Native Components being outputted. Proton Native does the same to desktop that React Native did to mobile. Build cross-platform apps for the desktop, all while never leaving the React eco-system. Popular React packages such as Redux still work. import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { render, …

React’s new context (React 16.3.0)

One of the new things in React 16.3.0 is a new context API: Typically, data in a React application is passed top-down (parent to child) via props. But sometimes it’s useful to pass values through multiple levels of abstraction without involving each intermediate. Examples include a locale, or a UI theme. Context in React provides …

react-fns – Browser APIs turned into declarative React components and HOCs

react-fns is a collection of imperative Browser API’s turned into declarative React components and higher-order components for lots of common situations. The <Network /> component for example is a wrapper around the Network Information API. import { Network } from 'react-fns'; const Example = () => ( <Network render={({ online, offlineAt }) => ( <div> …

urql – A Universal React Query Library

Ken Wheeler: There are some amazing solutions in the space already, notably Relay and Apollo, both of which are incredibly full-featured, brilliantly engineered, and wonderfully flexible. That said, these libraries might feel like a bit much to get started with at times, especially for beginners. Our goal with urql is to simplify the process of …

React Food Truck – A curated set of Visual Studio Code extensions for React Developers

Burke Holland: I spent a lot of time combing the depths of the VS Code Extension Marketplace to find the tastiest and most delicious extensions that are guaranteed to make your life as a React developer 129% more enjoyable. All you have to do is install the React Food Truck extension and it will automatically …

Experimental (and exciting) React Feature: Call Return 

Ryan Florence – co-author of React Router – on an experimental React feature: React has a new feature coming that I think is pretty cool. It allows us to compose with React in places we couldn’t compose before. I can immediately see how it’ll affect some of our components and some of our exercises in …