Creating random-but-stable effects with the CSS Paint API

One of the side-effects when drawing things with a Houdini Paint Worklet and relying on Math.random() in your code, is that your layout might be jumpy. Check out my CSS Houdini Paint Worklet that draws colorful circles for example: whenever you resize the available space or change one of its properties — or some of …

css-houdini-circles — A Houdini Paint Worklet that draws Colorful Background Circles

Last night — inspired by the Paint Worklet demos on — I decided to give Houdini a spin myself and created my own Paint Worklet. The result is css-houdini-circles which draws a bunch of random circles on the background. As a user you can configure the number of circles, the size range, the opacity …

Extending CSS with Houdini

In this video from #ChromeDevSummit 2020, Una walks us through Houdini and the aforementioned CSS Houdini is an umbrella term that describes a series of low-level browser APIs and worklets which enable developers to hook into the browser’s rendering engine and extend the styling capabilities of today. Learn about the various Houdini API’s, as …

Supercharging your CSS with Houdini Paint Worklets

During #ChromDevSummit, got announced: is a library and reference for Houdini worklets and resources. It provides everything you need to know about CSS Houdini: browser support, an overview of its various APIs, usage information, additional resources, and live paint worklet samples. Each sample on is backed by the CSS Paint API, meaning …

A Practical Overview Of CSS Houdini

Adrian Bece writing for Smashing Magazine: Houdini, an umbrella term for the collection of browser APIs, aims to bring significant improvements to the web development process and the development of CSS standards in general. Frontend developers will be able to extend the CSS with new features using JavaScript, hook into CSS rendering engine and tell …

Demystifying the future of CSS with sparkles of JS

At the recent conference here in Belgium, Ibe Vanmeenen gave a very nice talk introducing Houdini. CSS as a language is at the brink of a great revolution. Once such a closed and magical language, it will open up to you and your creativity in all it's glory. CSS will become an easy to …

Working with Houdini’s new CSS Typed Object Model (Typed OM)

Chrome 66 will add support for Houdini’s Typed OM. Eric Bidelman from Google has documented how we can use this. CSS now has a proper object-based API for working with values in JavaScript. The days of concatenating strings and subtle bugs are over! The example shown above merely defines a value and is quite a …

CSS Houdini Experiments

At the very end of the Say Hello to Houdini and the CSS Paint API article there’s only a small mention of this site. However it’s that great that it’s worth a link/post on its own. ⚠️ Be sure to use Chrome Canary – with “Experimental Web Platform features” enabled via chrome://flags – when visiting …