Whilst the video is only a sneak peek of a Code School tutorial, you can puzzle the pieces together yourself. The key part is the rolling-spider Node package which uses Bluetooth to communicate with the drone. var RollingSpider = require(‘rolling-spider’); var temporal = require(‘temporal’); var rollingSpider = new RollingSpider({ uuid: ‘Mambo_434915’ }); rollingSpider.connect(function() { rollingSpider.setup(function() …
Tag Archives: drone
Battelle DroneDefender
Building a rope bridge with flying machines
Lily – The Camera That Follows You
Lily is the world’s first throw-and-shoot camera. It lets anyone create cinematic footage previously reserved for professional filmmakers. Lily is waterproof, ultra-portable, and shoots stunning HD pictures and videos. Just throw it in the air and it’ll start flying. Easy. Lily – The Camera That Follows You → In other recent drone-news, DJI announced the …