Alpha Paintlet

Dave Rupert created a little lovely Houdini Paint Worklet that allows you set a background color with an alpha on elements. The Worklet’s code is as simple as this: registerPaint(‘alpha’, class { static get inputProperties() { return [‘–bg-alpha’, ‘–bg-color’] } paint(ctx, size, props) { ctx.globalAlpha = props.get(‘–bg-alpha’); ctx.fillStyle = props.get(‘–bg-color’); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height); } …

CSS background-clip Demo: Text with Animated Emoji

Fun demo by Elad Shechter: See the Pen Background-clip: text with Animated Emoji by Elad Shechter (@elad2412) on CodePen. Behind it are two techniques: The 👻 emoji is set as the background-image of the text. To do so one must wrap it inside an SVG, and successively inject the SVG using a Data URL. To …

Blurred Background Generator

This tool helps you to generate beautiful blurry background images that you can use in any project. It doesn’t use CSS3 gradients, but a rather unique approach. It takes a stock image, extracts a very small area (sample area) and scales it up to 100%. The browser’s image smoothing algorithm takes care of the rest. …