In The several ways to import React, Kent C. Dodds also covers a bit about JSX and “the JSX pragma”. Here’s a video of CSS Tricks’ Chris Coyier goofing around with it. JSX is not fancy. It essentially transforms angle brackets in JavaScript into function calls. That works great for React, but because we can …
Tag Archives: babel
ES-Everything: an ECMA Explainer
Matthew Gerstman explaining a lot of terms that evolve around JavaScript: ECMA, TC39, Babel, Polyfills, … So you Google how to make your app work in IE 10, or 11, or whatever. You’re quickly flooded with acronyms and terms you’ve never heard before ES5, ES6, ESNext, ES2020, TC39, ECMA. What’s a transpiler? People are debating …
“last 2 versions” considered harmful
When using babel-preset-env with the list of supported browsers set to “last 2 versions” – which I am doing used to do – you’re basically supporting browsers that are dead or have no users. Take Internet Explorer for example. It’s been replaced by Edge and will never have any new versions after Internet Explorer 11. …
Setting up React for ES6 ES2015 with Webpack and Babel
This resource came in quite handy when setting up React in combination with ES6 ES2015, Webpack and Babel. Installing all the required dependencies: # Install Webpack npm install –save-dev webpack # Install the Babel Loader, for use with Webpack npm install –save-dev babel-loader # Install the es2015 and react presets, for use with Babel npm …
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