Bang With Friends

Sometime last week BangWithFriends started going round. The app lets you (anonymously) mark Facebook friends you are sexually interested in. If the interest is mutual, you’ll both be notified. Brilliant app I must say (it makes our promiscue youth even more introvert)! It gets really interesting when combined with Graph Search: Looks like I don’t …

Google Chrome Packaged Apps

Packaged apps deliver an experience as capable as a native app, but as safe as a web page. Just like web apps, packaged apps are written in HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. But packaged apps look and behave like native apps, and they have native-like capabilities that are much more powerful than those available to web …

Paper’s Color Mixer

Paper by 53 (recommended app) now sports an innovative color mixer / color picker. Turns out it was quite a mathematical struggle to implement it too. We learned in elementary school that yellow and blue when mixed turn green. However when you plug in the values to this equation, you get a different result: Gray! …