Just like the bands of old

Success, as the saying goes, is 1% talent and 99% effort. So if you want to contribute to articles, write books and speak at conferences, you’re the only person in the way. and Just like the bands of old, you need to play the small gigs first. So tweet interesting thoughts, write good content on …

Responsive Web Design

When Ethan Marcotte coined the term “responsive web design” he conjured up something special. The technologies existed already: fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries. But Ethan united these techniques under a single banner, and in so doing changed the way we think about web design. From the foreword of Responsive Web Design, a highly …

The answer to life, the universe, web development and usability

From Jeremy Keith’s Blogpost Caveat: If you’re looking for the more honest, truthful answer to pretty much any question on web design and usability, here it is: It depends. Exactly what me and my colleagues tell our students: the solutions we give them are a solution, not the solution.

There are no famous programmers

I still have to do programmer interviews like everyone else. No matter how much code I put out, I still have to solve stupid puzzles about coconuts and manholes. No matter how many web servers or email frameworks or database servers or chat servers or assemblers I write I still have to prove I can …