Show Facebook Computer Vision Tags Chrome Extension

Since April 2016, Facebook has been automatically adding alt tags to images you upload that are populated with keywords representing the content of your images. This Chrome Extension visualizes the tags (which can be found in the markup) <img src="" alt="Image may contain: golf, grass, outdoor and nature" width="316" height="237"> Show Facebook Computer Vision Tags …

Redesigning Chrome desktop

In the beginning of this month of September, the new Chrome Core UI redesign, or so called “Chrome MD” (for Material design), rolled out on Windows as part of our 53rd update. It is the last step of a three phase deployment of the new design,which started in 51 with Chrome OS and Linux, followed …

A faster, more stable Chrome on iOS

The Chromium Blog: In Chrome 48 we’ve made the switch from UIWebView to WKWebView, leading to dramatic improvements in stability, speed, responsiveness, and web compatibility. The improvements are indeed remarkable and – from a user’s point of view – very noticeable. Additionally it’s also more stable: With WKWebView’s out-of-process rendering, when the web view crashes …

Chrome Extension: Video Speed Controller

Speed up, slow down, and rewind any HTML5 video with quick shortcuts. HTML5 video provides native APIs to accelerate playback of any video, but most implemented players either hide or limit this functionality. This extension fixes that, plus more… Because time is money 😉 Video Speed Controller →