What values can you put in a CSS Custom Property?

Will Boyd: CSS custom properties can hold all sorts of things. Some of these things were not obvious to me, which is why I decided to write this. In short: they can contain just about everything. It’s only until CSS Custom Properties are used in a certain context as a CSS Variable — using var() …

CSS Custom Properties are not Variables

When mentioning CSS Custom Properties here on bram.us I do tend to name them like that — and not CSS Variables — as that’s their official name. I always thought the terms could be used interchangeably — with CSS Variables simply being the unofficial name — but as detailed by Šime Vidas on Web Platform …

Pass Data from CSS to JavaScript with CSS Variables

What happens when you combine the fact that part after the : for CSS Custom Properties doesn’t need to be valid CSS with window.getComputedStyle()? You get a way of passing data – including Arrays, Objects, and even JSON – from CSS to JavaScript. Psst… Hey kid… Did you know you can pass data from your …

CSS Variables and Reduced Motion

Great usage of CSS Custom Properties in combination with calc() by Steve Gardner to cater for users who have prefers-reduced-motion set to reduce: CSS variables (custom properties) makes supporting reduced motion settings super easy. There is little excuse to not too. — Steve Gardner (@steveg3003) July 21, 2017 By setting –duration to 0 it basically …

Conditions for CSS Calculations

In CSS we have feature queries (@supports) available to create if–else-like structs. What if we could extend our means of using conditions in CSS? Roman Komarov provides us with a clever technique – which involves using CSS Custom Properties, calc(), and some binary logic – to implementing this type of conditions on a per CSS …

CSS Variables: var(--subtitle);

As per usual, great talk by Lea Verou: The key takeaway about CSS Custom Properties to me is the very first one Lea mentioned: they’re just properties like the other CSS properties we already know. This means that the normal behavior of inheritance is in place, you can manipulate them from within media queries, and …