Dock Life: Using Docker for All The Things!

Interesting take by the folks at nystudio107: instead of installing things such as node locally, why not run it in a container with an alias linked to it? Instead of installing all of the tools & pack­ages you’re used to using, we use Dock­er images that some­one else has cre­at­ed that con­tain these tools & …

Run Composer Scripts in Parallel with veewee/composer-run-parallel

Nice addition to Composer by Toon Verwerft which allows you to run your custom commands in parallel This composer plugin allows you to run the tasks inside your composer file in parallel. No more waiting on one specific task! Say you have these two custom commands: { "scripts": { "php1": "@php -r 'sleep(3); echo \"1\";'", …

Composer Inline Aliases: Fake a PHP Package Version by Aliasing a Specific Commit to it

Great tip by Mattias: TIL: you can fake package versions in composer using the "as" alias. Useful to force install certain versions while keeping other dependencies in check! 👍 — Mattias Geniar (@mattiasgeniar) April 16, 2020 You can alias directly when requiring a package: composer require monolog/monolog:”dev-bugfix as 1.0.x-dev” Surely comes in handy when locally …

“Composer require local package”: Working with symlinked Composer packages in PHP

When developing a PHP library/package, you most likely also have a project on disk that consumes said library. Take a WordPress plugin for example: to test it, you need a WordPress installation — both are linked but separate projects. To speed up development you can tell Composer to use the local version of the package, …

Overriding the PHP version to use when installing Composer dependencies

If you have a (legacy) PHP project running on a legacy server (running PHP 5.4.27 for example), but are locally developing with a more modern PHP version (PHP 7.4 for example), you might end up installing dependencies that are not compatible with the PHP version on the server. To bypass this, you can tell Composer, …

Selling Composer Packages through “Private Packagist for Vendors”

Nice new addition by Packagist: If you’re selling PHP packages, the easiest way to offer Composer package installation to your customers is now “Private Packagist for Vendors”. You get a unique URL and authentication token for each customer and they can use these in their composer.json file to install your packages. Especially if you’re still …

Bash/Shell Autocompletion for Composer

The other day I opened up a PHP project that I hadn’t worked on in a while. No longer remembering which Composer Scripts I had defined for it, I needed to take a peek inside composer.json to see which ones were available to me. Then it hit me: why is there no autocompletion for composer …

Private Packagist

Mid-December Nils Adermann – Co-Founder of Packagist Conductors & Creator of Composer for PHP – announced Private Packagist. Being a hosted service, setting up your own Composer package repository on Private Packagist is done with a few clicks. No matter if your private source code is hosted on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, any of their on-premise …

PHP Roave Security Advisories

$ composer require roave/security-advisories:dev-master $ # following commands will fail: $ composer require symfony/symfony:2.5.2 $ composer require zendframework/zendframework:2.3.1 This package ensures that your PHP application doesn’t have installed dependencies with known security vulnerabilities. This package does not provide any API or usable classes: its only purpose is to prevent installation of software with known and …