<css-doodle />
is a web component for drawing patterns with CSS.
The component will generate a grid of divs by the rules (plain CSS) inside it. You can easily manipulate those cells using CSS to come up with a graphic pattern or an animated graph. The limit is the limit of CSS itself.
Combine <css-doodle />
with generated content and Unicode characters, and you can create nice decorative patterns as shown above.
:doodle {
@grid: 21 / 35em 20em;
overflow: hidden;
--c: @pick(
#11CBD7, #C6F1E7, #FA4659
:after {
content: '\@hex(@rand(0x1401, 0x141b))';
font-size: 2em;
background: linear-gradient(
transparent 50%, var(--c) 50%
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
-webkit-text-stroke: var(--c);
-webkit-text-stroke-width: .5px;
color: transparent;