Tailwind marketing and misinformation engine

Nuanced piece by Tero Piirainen on where Tailwind took a good practice, twisted it around, and took it for a run. Use it or don’t, love it or hate it, but this last sentence of the article hits close to home: Learn to write clean HTML and CSS and stay relevant for years to come. …

DevTools for Tailwind

If Tailwind is your thing, the “DevTools for Tailwind” by the folks over at BeyondCode looks like a handy tool to have. The DevTools for Tailwind CSS bring back designing and debugging in your browser. You can use the full power of the JIT engine and even add classes like border-[30px] on sites that use …

Just-In-Time: The Next Generation of Tailwind CSS

Adam Wathan from Tailwind: One of the hardest constraints we’ve had to deal with as we’ve improved Tailwind CSS over the years is the generated file size in development. With enough customizations to your config file, the generated CSS can reach 10mb or more, and there’s only so much CSS that build tools and even …

Tailwind CSS: From Zero to Production

Not that I’m a fan of Tailwind, but this (free) video course by the Tailwind folks themselves is a very good starting point to those wanting to get started with it. Today we’re excited to release Tailwind CSS: From Zero to Production, a new screencast series that teaches you everything you need to know to …

Use Tailwind classes within any CSS-in-JS library with Twin

To use Tailwind – or any prebuilt CSS library/framework for that matter – in a React app you can simply import its generated CSS file and use the classes it exposes: import ‘../tailwind.generated.css’; // … const Alert = ({ title = '', message }) => ( <div class="bg-red-100 border border-red-400 text-red-700 px-4 py-3 rounded relative" …