Convert between Symfony HttpFoundation Request / Response and Swoole Request / Response classes with swoole-http-message-bridge

Today I was implementing an HTTP Server using Swoole. At its core, the code looks just like the Swoole HTTP Server example: <?php $http = new \Swoole\HTTP\Server("", 9501); $http->on('request', function (\Swoole\HTTP\Request $request, \Swoole\HTTP\Response $response) { // … $response->end(); }); $http->start(); In that same project I was also looking to use a package that evolves around …

Symfony 5: The Fast Track

Symfony 5 recently got released. Fabien Potencier – Symfony’s creator – has also published a book along with its release. This book – written by Symfony’s creator – lays out a pragmatic approach to developing web applications with Symfony 5: from scratch to production. Whether you are discovering Symfony for the first time or refreshing …

SymfonyCloud – Serverless Deployment Platform for Symfony

Reduce hosting costs. Stop wasting time and energy finding, building and maintaining your own stack. We cover it all, from PHP to database, search, security and performance. Enable any service by adding a few lines in a configuration file. SymfonyCloud supports all PHP versions. Each service is deployed in its own custom, lightweight container for …

Symfony Form Validation: Validating a date range

One of the (Symfony based) PHP projects I’m working on contains a form which allows the user to generate video clips from CCTV footage. To do this the user can enter a start and stop DateTime. For this to work the submitted input data is then checked: both start and stop must be dates, and …

Getting ready for Symonfy 4.0

Fabien Potencier, founder and project lead of Symfony: Symfony 4.0 will be released at the end of November 2017. During the next few weeks, I will publish articles about my ideas and the main changes I want to implement for Symfony 4. So far 4 articles have been released by now, with more to follow: …