Our Drone Future

In the near future, cities use semi-autonomous drones for urban security. Human officers monitor drone feeds remotely, and data reports are displayed with a detailed HUD and communicated via a simulated human voice (designed to mitigate discomfort with sentient drone technology). While the drones operate independently, they are “guided” by the human monitors, who can …

SkyJack: autonomous drone hacking

SkyJack is a drone engineered to autonomously seek out, hack, and wirelessly take over other drones within wifi distance, creating an army of zombie drones under your control. By Samy (yes, the Samy – author of the MySpace Samy Worm and Evercookie) Flying hacker contraption hunts other drones, turns them into zombies →

Amazon Prime Air

Get packages into customers’ hands in 30 minutes or less using unmanned aerial vehicles Still remove a few years from us. Why announce now? This quote, by Hiten Shah, I can relate to: This is a pre-emptive move to help the world go in the way Amazon wants it to go. Perhaps to help push …