CraftQL – A drop-in GraphQL server for Craft CMS

CraftQL is a drop-in GraphQL server for your Craft CMS implementation. With zero configuration, CraftQL allows you to access all of Craft’s features through a familiar GraphQL interface. ❓ Unfamiliar with GraphQL? Earlier today Ryan Glover (Ponyfoo) posted a great introduction to it. In the admin interface you get a GraphiQL interface, and the ability …

urql – A Universal React Query Library

Ken Wheeler: There are some amazing solutions in the space already, notably Relay and Apollo, both of which are incredibly full-featured, brilliantly engineered, and wonderfully flexible. That said, these libraries might feel like a bit much to get started with at times, especially for beginners. Our goal with urql is to simplify the process of …

React, Relay and GraphQL: Under the Hood of the Times Website Redesign

The folks over at The New York Times have made change to using React, Relay and GraphQL for the new version of their website (which they are rolling out over the coming months): We thought it would be nice if there was one place to add and retrieve data and one way to authenticate against …

Apollo Launchpad – The GraphQL Server Demo Platform

Think of CodePen but for GraphQL: This is a tool you can use build, deploy, and share a simple GraphQL API right from your browser. We think it’s a great way to experiment with GraphQL and share examples of different patterns. Introducing Launchpad: The GraphQL server demo platform →Example Pad →

Full-stack React + GraphQL Tutorial

An extensive 5-part tutorial by the Apollo folks, using their own Apollo Client to communicate with the GraphQL Server: Despite the great advantages of using GraphQL [over REST], the first step can be a bit daunting. That’s why I’ve started writing a series of tutorials that take you step by step through building a full-stack …