Next.js + Apollo + Server Side Rendering (SSR)

Interesting video from the CodePen podcast in which Shaw goes over this approach to SSR with Next and Apollo: A probably-better approach is to use the getDataFromTree method, which walks down the tree and executes the queries to fill up the ApolloClient cache. Create a shared ApolloClient instance Render the page using getDataFromTree() to fill …

Full-stack apps with Apollo, a tutorial

The Apollo docs sports a very complete tutorial, combining TypeScript, GraphQL, and Apollo (of course): In this tutorial, we’ll build an interactive app for reserving a seat on an upcoming SpaceX launch. Think of it as an Airbnb for space travel! All of the data is real, thanks to the SpaceX-API. To populate the views, …

Full-stack React + GraphQL Tutorial

An extensive 5-part tutorial by the Apollo folks, using their own Apollo Client to communicate with the GraphQL Server: Despite the great advantages of using GraphQL [over REST], the first step can be a bit daunting. That’s why I’ve started writing a series of tutorials that take you step by step through building a full-stack …