Manage your DNS from GitHub with DNSControl

In this post Sven Luijten uses DNSControl from within GitHub Actions to manage DNS: What if you could edit a JavaScript file with your desired DNS configuration, submit a pull request on GitHub, see a preview of the changes you are about to make, and when you merge it, have those changes be applied completely …

Super fast npm install on Github Actions

The folks at Voorhoede share how they integrated the actions/cache@v2 build step into their GitHub Workflow so that it caches npm install results. Super fast npm install on Github Actions → Related: By Shallow + Single Branch Cloning you can speed up the git clone step of your build pipeline. The actions/checkout@v2 build step already …

Running GitHub Actions for Certain Commit Messages

Ryan Chandler shares how to configure your GitHub Actions Workflow in such a way that they skip a build when a certain word appears in the commit message. jobs: format: runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: "! contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'nobuild')" You can also flip it around, to only build whenever a specific word is present. Running GitHub Actions for …

Automatically update your GitHub readme through GitHub Actions

Pawel Grzybek has set up a workflow that uses GitHub Actions’ Scheduled Events to automatically update his profile It runs every 6 hours and pulls in his RSS feed to populate the import fs from "fs"; import fetch from "node-fetch"; import parser from "xml2json"; const FEED_URL = ""; const TAG_OPEN = `<!– FEED-START …