Their missing Mile-High Menus and Magic Corners : Fitts’s Law vs. Apple on Windows

When using software Fitts’s Law is in effect all the time. Microsoft understands the importance of this but Apple apparently doesn’t, at least not on Windows … Fitts’ what now? Fitts’s Law is a model of human movement, predicting the time required to rapidly move from a starting position to a final target area, as …

Safari 3.0.2 Beta : Rendering issues with non-English Windows versions fixed!

Safari 3.0.2 beta was announced last Friday, (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl) AppleWebKit/522.13.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0.2 Safari/522.13.1) with a nice “Bugs fixed” (Win/Mac OS X) an a list of Security Fixes. It was quite a surprise to read that the rendering issue I’ve been dealing with got fixed! Now I’m still waiting …