The mysterious case of using CSS animation-composition: accumulate on a scale transform

Over at 12 Days of Web, Tyler Gaw has a good piece on CSS animation-composition.

One thing that tripped Tyler up is the behavior of animation-composition: accumulate when used with a scale transform. Accumulating a scale(0.5) with scale(2) does not give scale(2.5) but scale(1.5)

This post explains why that is the case.


animation-composition, a quick recap

I suggest you go read Tyler’s article, it’s wonderful (as are all other submissions on the site). If you’re just looking for the gist, here’s the wording I used earlier this year when I covered animation-composition over at

With animation-composition, you now have control over what should happen instead of the default replace [when transforming to a new value]. Accepted values are:

  • replace: The effect value replaces the underlying value. (default)
  • add: The effect value is added to the underlying value.
  • accumulate: The effect value is combined with the underlying value.

The difference between addition and accumulation is subtle. For example, take the two values blur(2) and blur(3). When added together would this produce blur(2) blur(3), but when accumulated this would produce blur(5).

You could compare this with a cup that is filled with tea. When pouring milk in it this would happen:

  • replace: The tea gets removed, and is replaced by the milk.
  • add: The milk gets added to the cup, but it remains layered on top of the tea.
  • accumulate: The milk is added to the tea and, because they are both fluids, they mix nicely.

Again, check out Tyler’s article … it’s great and it’s got a bunch of good demos that demonstrate this.


The weird thing with scale

One of the examples Tyler uses, animates a scale transform. The transform starts off with a scale(0.5) and then changes to scale(2). That transform is ran several times, once for each different animation-composition value:

See the Pen
animation-composition scale demo
by Tyler Gaw (@tylergaw)
on CodePen.

Here’s what happens for each animation-composition value:

The end value is scale(2), as the new value replaces the old value.
The end value is scale(1), which is the result of layering (or stacking) both values. When layered, the value intially becomes scale(0.5) scale(2). These two transform functions are applied from left to right: first the subject gets scaled down to half its size. That result then gets scaled to twice its size. So you end up with 0.5 * 2 = 1
The end value is scale(1.5), which trips up a lot of people. One would assume the 0.5 and 2 simply get added up. However, the resulting scale factor is not 2.5 but 1.5 – Huh?

As Tyler put it:

0.5 + 2 should be 2.5, right? Why isn’t that happening, and what is the math behind this? Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an answer before the publish deadline for this post. This does work the same in all browsers, so it doesn’t seem like a bug. Some underlying logic for scale must make these the intended results. If you know the reason, please write about it!


Checking the source of truth: the specification

On Mastodon Schepp, T. Afif, and Kizu all chimed in trying to reverse engineer the math behind it all.

While there were some clever guesses, the person that got closest was Schepp, pointing to the css-values-4 spec:

Given two property values Va and Vb, returns the result, Vresult, of combining the two operands such that Vb is treated as a delta from Va.

But if Vb is a delta from Va, we’d end up with Va + Vb = Vresult … yet we already noticed that wasn’t the case here?!


Checking the source of truth: the correct specification

As with many CSS specifications, one spec can build upon another. For example, scroll-driven animations has its own spec and defines new values for the animation-timeline property which is defined in css-animations-2. If you were to check only the css-animations-2 spec, you wouldn’t get the full picture.

Winging back to the curious case of scale, the answer needs to be sought in the css-transforms-2 spec. In there, we find § 15. Addition and accumulation of transform lists that holds the answer:

Accumulation of two transform lists Va and Vb follows the same steps as interpolation with regards to matching transform functions including padding lists with identity transform functions, converting none to an identity transform function, and converting both arguments to matrices as necessary (see CSS Transforms 1 § 9 Interpolation of Transforms). However, instead of interpolating the individual parameters, they are combined using arithmetic addition — ​except in the case of parameters whose value is one in the identity transform function (e.g. scale parameters and matrix elements m11, m22, m33, and m44), which combine using accumulation for one-based values as follows:

Vresult = Va + Vb – 1

And there my friends lies the answer: scale is an exception and needs to be calculated using the formula Vresult = Va + Vb - 1.

Applied to scale(0.5) being accumulated with scale(2) we end up with:

  • Va = 0.5
  • Vb = 2
  • Vresult = Va + Vb1 = 0.5 + 21 = 1.5

So Tyler, this should give you your answer 🙂

On Mastodon, T. Afif came up with a single formula that allows accumulating multiple values. Should you ever need it, here it is:

(Vresult - 1) = (V1 - 1) + (V2 - 1) + ... + (Vn - 1)


More examples

Embedded below is a pen with a bunch of example that change on hover. They all use animation-composition: accumulate. Using the lines on the page, you can see what scale they eventually end up at.

See the Pen
CSS animation-composition: accumulate
by Bramus (@bramus)
on CodePen.


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Published by Bramus!

Bramus is a frontend web developer from Belgium, working as a Chrome Developer Relations Engineer at Google. From the moment he discovered view-source at the age of 14 (way back in 1997), he fell in love with the web and has been tinkering with it ever since (more …)

Unless noted otherwise, the contents of this post are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License and code samples are licensed under the MIT License

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