Paul Hudson, creator of Hacking with Swift:
🧐What if I said I was thinking of writing a book about all the SwiftUI techniques I've learned?
😳What if I said I'd ALREADY written it?
🤩What if I said I was making videos too?
🤯What if I said it was online NOW, free?
Wonder no more, folks: #WWDC19
— Paul Hudson (@twostraws) June 5, 2019
Yes, that’s a full course on SwiftUI already available online, for free!
Sections include:
- Introduction: A brief explanation of the basics of SwiftUI
- Text and Images: Getting started with basic controls
- View Layout: Position views in a grid structure
- Reading input: Respond to interaction and control your program state
- Lists: Create scrolling tables of data
- Containers: Place your views inside a navigation controller
- Alerts and action sheets: Show modal notifications when something happens
- Presenting views: Move your user from one view to another
- Transforming views: Clip, size, scale, spin, and more
- Animation: Bring your views to life with movement
TIP: Do note that the order of statements in SwiftUI is important:
Pro-tip for SwiftUI peeps!
Text("Hacking with Swift")
.padding()And this:
Text("Hacking with Swift")
.background( different things. #WWDC19
— Paul Hudson (@twostraws) June 5, 2019