react-native-maps-directions – Directions/Routing component for react-native-maps

One of the things I found missing in the aforementioned react-native-maps was the ability to route between to coordinates.

Combining the feedback from the related issues on GitHub (#52, #778, and #929) I’ve created a standalone component that does exactly that.

The MapViewDirections component can route between an origin and destination coordinate. As routing is handled by the Google Maps Directions API, an apikey for use with Google Maps is also required:

<MapView initialRegion={…}>
  <MapView.Marker coordinate={origin} />
  <MapView.Marker coordinate={destination} />

Once the directions in between both coordinates has been fetched, a MapView.Polyline between the two will be drawn. Therefore all MapView.Polyline props – except for coordinates – are also accepted.

Installation per npm/yarn:

yarn add react-native-maps-directions

react-native-maps-directions (GitHub) →

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Published by Bramus!

Bramus is a frontend web developer from Belgium, working as a Chrome Developer Relations Engineer at Google. From the moment he discovered view-source at the age of 14 (way back in 1997), he fell in love with the web and has been tinkering with it ever since (more …)

Unless noted otherwise, the contents of this post are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License and code samples are licensed under the MIT License

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    1. Yes that’s possible. In v1.1.0 an onReady callback was added providing that info. Please check the README contained with the project for an example (and other new features)

  1. Hi,

    It doesn’t work for me, even though my code looks exactly the same as the one illustrated. In the MapViewDirections tag it only works if I define longitude and latitude directly and not if I reference the array called coordinates. What could be the problem?

  2. in my app react-native-maps-directions is not working i’m coping your code.
    but it didn’t work for me. please look out this code.

    /* eslint global-require:0 */

    import React, { Component } from “react”;
    import styled from “styled-components”;
    import { Dimensions } from “react-native”;
    import { Container, Content } from “native-base”;
    import { get } from “lodash”;
    import MapView, { Marker, Polyline } from “react-native-maps”;
    import MapViewDirections from “react-native-maps-directions”;
    import { Actions } from “react-native-router-flux”;
    import { inject, observer } from “mobx-react”;

    import HeaderGradient from “../components/PickUp&Drop/HeaderGradient”;
    import CommonFooter from “../components/Home/CommonFooter”;
    import LocationDetails from “../components/PickUp&Drop/LocationDetails”;

    const MainView = styled.View`
    flex: 1;

    const HEIGHT = Dimensions.get(“window”).height;
    const WIDTH = Dimensions.get(“window”).width;

    const GOOGLE_MAPS_APIKEY = “AIzaSyBsWT8-mo8eH2HQL4VLwLpigE7oaak8AjI”;

    class PickupDrop extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
    coordinate: { latitude: 24.80855120296181, longitude: 67.03557014465332 },
    editLocationModal: false,
    locationData: {},
    pickupAddress: “Akota Stadium, Akota”,
    dropAddress: “Hotel Banyan Tree, Manjalpur”,
    locationType: “”

    onPickupAddress() {
    console.log(“pick up”);
    editLocationModal: true,
    locationType: “pickup”

    onDropAddress() {
    console.log(“drop up”);
    editLocationModal: true,
    locationType: “drop”

    onSwapAddress() {
    console.log(” swap”);
    pickupAddress: this.state.dropAddress,
    dropAddress: this.state.pickupAddress

    onEditLocationModal(locationData) {
    console.log(“location data========= “, locationData);
    if (this.state.locationType === “pickup”) {
    // console.log(“on if cobndition========= “, this.state.locationType);

    editLocationModal: false,
    pickupAddress: get(
    “Akota Stadium, Akota”
    locationType: “”
    } else {
    // console.log(“in else========= “, this.state.locationType);

    editLocationModal: false,
    dropAddress: get(
    “Hotel Banyan Tree, Manjalpur”
    locationType: “”

    render() {
    console.log(“props at pikup and drop page”, this.props);

    const origin = { latitude: 37.3318456, longitude: -122.0296002 };
    const destination = { latitude: 37.771707, longitude: -122.4053769 };

    const coordinateRender = [
    { latitude: 37.3318456, longitude: -122.0296002 },
    { latitude: 37.771707, longitude: -122.4053769 }

    const InitialRegion = {
    latitude: 37.3318456,
    longitude: -122.0296002,
    latitudeDelta: 0.5,
    longitudeDelta: 0.5 * (WIDTH / HEIGHT)
    return (

    onDropAddressPressed={() => this.onDropAddress()}
    onSwapAddress={() => this.onSwapAddress()}
    onEditLocationModal={locationData =>
    onRequestModalClose={() =>
    editLocationModal: false

    { => (


    {/* */}

    centerText=”Total Distance 6.8 km”


    export default PickupDrop;

  3. Is it possible to see time and distance calculations for different modes of transportation? Ie. 15 min walk, 6 minute drive, etc

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