Service Worker Toolbox provides some simple helpers for use in creating your own service workers. Specifically, it provides common caching strategies for dynamic content, such as API calls, third-party resources, and large or infrequently used local resources that you don’t want precached.
The code itself is very readable I must say:
toolbox.router.get('/css*', toolbox.cacheFirst);
toolbox.router.get('/img*', toolbox.cacheFirst);
toolbox.router.get('/(.*)', toolbox.networkFirst, { networkTimeoutSeconds: 5});
A bit more advanced is to precache a “you’re offline” page first, and return that in case a user is offline (src):
// …
// …
toolbox.router.get('/(.*)', function(request, values, options) {
// networkFirst will attempt to return a response from the network,
// then attempt to return a response from the cache.
return toolbox.networkFirst(request, values, options).catch(function(error) {
// If both the network and the cache fail, then `.catch()` will be triggered,
// and we get a chance to respond with our cached fallback page.
if (request.method === 'GET' && request.headers.get('accept').includes('text/html')) {
return toolbox.cacheOnly(new Request('/offline'), values, options);
throw error;
(GitHub) →
A beginner’s guide to making Progressive Web Apps forms a nice introduction to implementing Service Workers using sw-toolbox
If you’re looking for a non-library version I’d recommend starting with Implementing “Save For Offline” with Service Workers.