The Ionic Package service allows you to create development and production builds of your app that can be submitted to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, or be installed directly on your friends’, family members’, and colleagues’ devices.
That’s it. Once your build is finished, you just download the distribution file we provide and carry on. Ionic Package takes care of all the heavy lifting and lets you get back to focusing on what really matters: your app.
$ ionic package build ios --profile PROFILE_TAG
The people at Ionic really have gotten this thing directed in the right direction: build an open-source framework and augment it with usefull (soon-to-be commercial) parts such as “Ionic View” and now this “Ionic Package”. It’s tools like this that make it more easy to develop hybrid apps.
If you’re familiar with build servers like Circle-CI or Travis-CI stuff like this – the result of ionic package list
– might look familiar: