After the App Store automatically updated Xcode to version 7 (without me actually wanting this for now, but hey …) running ionic emulate ios -c -l
would not do much anymore:
- The app would launch but get stuck at the loading screen
- No
calls would be logged
Fixing it manually
To fix this, update the platforms/ios/projectname/projectname-Info.plist
file with the following settings:
Add the snippet above at the end of the file, right before the closing </dict></plist>
Do note that you’ll have to (re)do this every time you run ionic platform add ios
(which can happen when working in a team with multiple people)
Fixing it automatically
Alternatively you can use a before_emulate
hook to have this change applied automatically before starting the iPhone Simulator.
- Put the contents below in
- Make the script executable (
chmod 755 ./hooks/before_emulate/
Every time you (or one of your teammates) runs ionic emulate ios
it will check if the change in platforms/ios/projectname/projectname-Info.plist
has already been made or not. If not, the settings are added.
# Allow iPhone Simulator to make Arbitrary Loads
# @ref
XCODEVERSION=`xcodebuild -version | grep Xcode | sed 's/Xcode //g'`
PROJECTNAME=`xmllint --format --xpath "//*[local-name()='widget']/*[local-name()='name'][1]/text()" config.xml`
if [[ "$CORDOVA_PLATFORMS" == "ios" ]]
if [[ "$XCODEMAINVERSION" > 6 ]]
echo "iPhone Simulator (XCode $XCODEVERSION) is being used. We might need to adjust $PROJECTNAME-Info.plist to allow Arbitrary Loads!"
HASSETTING=`$PLISTBUDDY -c "print :NSAppTransportSecurity:NSAllowsArbitraryLoads" "$TARGET" 2>&1`
if [[ "$HASSETTING" == "true" ]]
echo " - NSAllowsArbitraryLoads already enabled. Not adjusting $PROJECTNAME-Info.plist"
echo " - NSAllowsArbitraryLoads not enabled. Adjusting $PROJECTNAME-Info.plist"
$PLISTBUDDY -c "Add :NSAppTransportSecurity dict" "$TARGET"
$PLISTBUDDY -c "Add :NSAppTransportSecurity:NSAllowsArbitraryLoads bool YES" "$TARGET"
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This fixed my issues. I just had to remove ios, remove the platform dir and then add ios like so:
ionic platform rm ios
rm -rf ./platforms/ios
ionic platform add ios
ionic prepare ios
ionic emulate ios -c -l