For those who often enquire about my responsive grid “solution” — it’s about 10 lines of code. Not a problem that keeps me up at night
Tried a grid-based approach in a site that’s about to launch any time soon but found it conflicting with the mobile first idea: I’d be undoing the grid’s CSS in the narrowest layout and then re-applying them later on.
In the next project I’ll be sticking to the system I used before: general classes (like .unit
or .col
) and based on the context (wrapping element) I’d specify the needed width
if the screen estate allows me.
Glad to see I’m not the only one using a simple solution.
On Responsive Layout and Grids →
David also gave an excellent talk at Responsive Day Out on Responsive Navigation. Be sure to check the video.
Caption image by Jono Mallanyk