The Evolution Of Webdesign is a collection and imitation of Webdesign Trends from 1991 to 2015. In this project I researched and tried to represent a fixed content with typical attributes for each year. Utterly brilliant! Evolution of Webdesign → Via Jeremy
Tag Archives: webdesign
Future Friendly
Future Friendly is a manifesto / call to arms for making sure that our strategies for technology, design, and content will work fine on today’s and on the next-gen devices. While we can’t know exactly what the future will bring, we can: Acknowledge and embrace unpredictability. Think and behave in a future-friendly way. Help others …
Acid3 2011 Update
Reality Check: Today, Håkon Wium Lie and I — Ian Hickson — are announcing that we have updated the Acid3 test by commenting out the parts of the test that might get changed in the specs. We hope this will allow the specs to change in whatever way is best for the Web, rather than …