Prevent unwanted Layout Shifts caused by Scrollbars with the scrollbar-gutter CSS property

A side-effect when showing scrollbars on the web is that the layout of the content might change depending on the type of scrollbar. The `scrollbar-gutter` CSS property aims to give us developers more control over that.

Custom Scrollbars In CSS

Ahmad Shadeed shows us how to stylize scrollbars in CSS. See the Pen Custom Scrollbar – 2 by Ahmad Shadeed (@shadeed) on CodePen. While I’m no big fan of doing so in general, I can see some specific situations where it might come in handy, such as styling the scrollbars of overflowing tab button bars. …

Styling Scrollbars with CSS: The Modern Way to Style Scrollbars

Since the early days of the web, customizing the browser’s scrollbar has proven to be very difficult to standardize across major browsers. Fortunately, on September 2018 a W3C Working Draft called CSS Scrollbars was released that looks like a viable way to finally accomplish this! Turns out the ::-webkit-scrollbar-* pseudo selectors (which never were a …