Apex lets you build, deploy, and manage AWS Lambda functions with ease. A variety of workflow related tooling is provided for testing functions, rolling back deploys, viewing metrics, tailing logs, hooking into the build system and more. Define a project.json as so … { “name”: “bar”, “description”: “Node.js example function”, “runtime”: “nodejs”, “memory”: 128, “timeout”: …
Tag Archives: aws
Amazon WorkMail
Man DDOSes his S3 bucket by adding its images in a Google Spreadsheet
I login to my AWS account to see what is going on, and I see this: $1177.76 in usage charges! A thousand, one hundred, seventy seven dollars. Out of which $1065 in outgoing bandwidth transfer costs. The scary part: 8.8 Terabytes of outgoing traffic! Tera. Not Giga. Terabytes. To make things worse, I realized that …
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