Shipping in Chrome 89 are Import Maps, which allows control over what URLs get fetched when importing modules.
Let’s take a look at this very welcome addition.
When importing ES Modules (on the web), you need to refer to them using their full filenames or URLs:
import moment from "/js/moment/moment.js";
import { partition } from "/js/lodash-es/lodash.js";
In a Node environment however, you would write the snippet above as follows:
import moment from "moment";
import { partition } from "lodash";
(Node will map things to the /node_modules
folder all by itself)
👉 So depending on where you run your code, your import
statements need to change. Meh.
Thankfully Import Maps provide a solution to this. They allow you to specify which file/URL should be loaded when importing a package.
"imports": {
"moment": "/js/moment/moment.js",
"lodash": "/js/lodash-es/lodash.js"
With this in place the browser can handle import { partition } from "lodash"
just fine, as it will load the file /js/lodash-es/lodash.js
. 🎉
💡 With services like Skypack in place I can already imagine new tools will pop up which would automate the generation of such an import map based on a package[-lock].json
that you feed it.
An import map is a tad of JSON file which you need to put it in a script[type="importmap"]
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"moment": "/js/moment/moment.js",
"lodash": "/js/lodash-es/lodash.js"
☝️ In the future it’ll also be possible to to put your import map into an external file and load it by specifying an src
<script type="importmap" src="import-map.importmap"></script>
To play nice with Content-Security Policy (CSP) the server needs to send the proper MIME-type though:
For more advanced usage, it’s also possible to add scoping.
These Import Maps sure are a very welcome addition. Unfortunately browser support is currently limited to Chrome only.
Update 2021.09.13: There’s a polyfill available for browsers that don’t support Import Maps: es-module-shims
![Data on support for the import-maps feature across the major browsers from](
💡 Shown above is a dynamic image, showing an always up-to-date support table. By the time you are reading this browser support might have become better.
Let’s hope other browsers follow suit soon. Relevant bugs to track:
- Safari:
- Firefox:
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Control the behavior of JavaScript imports with Import Maps
🏷 #EsModules #import #javascript
— (@bramusblog) March 3, 2021
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Seems, the browser needs to load the import map befory any resolution of import URLs