On A List Apart you can read an excerpt from the book Resilient Management by Lara Hogan. It’s from chapter 2, entitled “Grow your teammates”:
To spur this course-correction and growth in your teammates, you’ll end up wearing four different hats:
- Mentoring: lending advice and helping to problem solve based on your own experience.
- Coaching: asking open questions to help your teammate reflect and introspect, rather than sharing your own opinions or quickly problem solving.
- Sponsoring: finding opportunities for your teammate to level up, take on new leadership roles, and get promoted.
- Delivering feedback: observing behavior that is or isn’t aligned to what the team needs to be doing and sharing those observations, along with praise or suggestions.
Let’s dive in to how to choose, and when to use, each of these skills as you grow your teammates, and then talk about what it looks like when teammates support the overarching direction of the team.
/me orders book.