I MITMed Twitter for Android's login to see why it was failing.
The Twitter servers think it's 2015. Amazing. pic.twitter.com/iEu4rEUub9
— Ninji the [REDACTED] (@_Ninji) December 29, 2014
Today users of Twitter could not log in via OAuth for a few hours. As seen in the screenshot above Twitter was already thinking it was 2015.
Culprit is that Twitter was formatting dates using the ISO-8601 year number. In PHP it’s the difference between using Y
and o
— ISO-8601 year number. This has the same value asY
, except that if the ISO week number (W
) belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead.
As the current ISO-8601 week number is 1 (due to next Thursday being January 1, 2015) the current week officially is “the first week of 2015”. Therefore the ISO-8601 year number for this week is 2015, and not 2014.
$ php -r "echo date('Y', strtotime('2014-12-29'));"
$ php -r "echo date('o', strtotime('2014-12-29'));"
Ooops 🙂
Remember Apple’s DnD/alarm bug on iOS in January 2013? Same thing.