ORM Package for Node.js. Works with MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.
var orm = require('orm');
orm.connect("mysql://username:password@host/database", function (err, db) {
if (err) throw err;
var Person = db.define('person', {
name : String,
surname : String,
age : Number,
male : Boolean,
continent : [ 'Europe', 'America', 'Asia', 'Africa', 'Australia', 'Antartica' ], // ENUM type
photo : Buffer, // BLOB/BINARY
data : Object // JSON encoded
}, {
methods: {
fullName: function () {
return this.name + ' ' + this.surname;
validations: {
age: orm.validators.rangeNumber(18, undefined, 'under-age')
Person.find({ surname: "Doe" }, function (err, people) {
// SQL: "SELECT * FROM person WHERE surname = 'Doe'"
console.log("People found: %d", people.length);
console.log("First person: %s, age %d", people[0].fullName(), people[0].age);
people[0].age = 16;
people[0].save(function (err) {
// err.msg = 'under-age';
Don’t let the alpha tag fool you; I’ve used (and have contributed to) node-orm2 in a project before (along with express, mysql and when — killer combination) and must say it’s really stable.