My Master Plan : Online!

PlansAfter quite a few evenings of designing; One evening of slicing/building markup/creating stylesheets; And 2 evenings of porting the sliced up design to WordPress (first time I ever did that actually) by breaking The Loop, stripping content from Pages and tucking them in The Sidebar and spending lots of time on and around The Codex I load upon thee the website along with its dazzling Mascot dubbed Mister Sideburns!

3RDS Mascot : Mister Sideburns
3RDS Mascot: Mister Sideburns, designed by Bouncy

Everything should be in place over at If not, feel free to inform me 😉 And oh, as you can see I moved away from the rather dark damask pattern and ended with a nifty wood-texture (no trees were harmed).

What are you waiting for? Go check out!

(Tired yet satisfied) Bramus!

Published by Bramus!

Bramus is a frontend web developer from Belgium, working as a Chrome Developer Relations Engineer at Google. From the moment he discovered view-source at the age of 14 (way back in 1997), he fell in love with the web and has been tinkering with it ever since (more …)

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  1. congratulations! nice job with the porting!

    have a few things i would like to mention though 😉

    first look: its a bit heavy on the eye (different colors for the fat underlines? links bold AND underlined?).
    the mascot looks pretty cool, but whats that white tribal looking thing there? a grey 40+ sideburn part? and imo its a bit too big there: call it a mascot and place it as one where appropriate, but dont make it the main logo. i am only looking at that guy al the time when i visit your site.
    put the 3RDS logotype where the guy is.

    decide how you type: always lowercase or proper. after that check the (–> tiny) menu top right in the header.

    at content area: i like the 37signals style “whats this about in 1 sentence” part thats centered! but i would make the about part full width and then put news and referencies below it giving both 50% width.

    anyways, we both knew i would reply in such a way 😀
    congratulations again my friend 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. @ all : tnx!

    @ manu :
    – site looks quite ‘light’ on a whoop ass monitor. On 1024×768 it’s tight indeed.
    – That white tribal thing is a gray part indeed … think it looks great though (again tnx Jared!).
    – treatment of the mascot indeed could better. First planned on going for a onepage folio site, but ended up with wordpress (plenty of options already in it!) thus had to use a multipage version.
    – placement of the about part is again due to the onepage inheritage. Must say that that doesn’t bother me as the first text (which you like) gives a direct insight in what it’s all about. The part on the right gives is into more detail, but can be skipped as the news follows directly underneath the intro.
    – capitalization : quite different from Germany indeed, and quite mixed up on 3RDS indeed. Still need to tweak that 😉


  3. well, this is 1600×1200, but do people really browses in full screen? check this ( — is that light?

    you know that i am just saying, i dont want to be an ass 🙂

    the white part looks great indeed (love the “tribal tatoo”-style-makes-a-sideburn idea), but i think its a lil bit “toooo much” to look at (in a “a short story with too many words turns into a novel” kinda way).

    mascot again: i caught myself clicking on the mascot several times to go back to start. make the 3rds the logo! and treat the poor elvis as a mascot as promised! noone told him that he came for work, cut him some slack! :p

    pfew, that felt good 😀
    sorry if that pisses anyone up, big love 2 jared and brambi 🙂

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