For all you GreaseMonkey lovers out there: the bookmarklet has been morphed into a GM script too, as per request. Head over to to install it or continue reading to see a screenshot.
Once again a huge thank you to for offering such an extremely nice and robust service!
I knew you could,! Thx 😀
Hey Bram,
the script works, but for me only the first few screenshots on the page showed up…
I guess this could have to do something with the fact that you iterate over all links and request a thumbnail, regardless whether the thumb is going to display or not.
A version friendlier for the server would be to request the thumb _only_ on mouseover. This can be achieved by changing one line in your script:
function init() {
var tags = document.getElementsByTagName(‘h4’);
for (i = 0; i
Hmm, let’s retry, this needs to be changed in your init function:
//add_thumbnail(tags[i].childNodes[0]); tags[i].addEventListener(‘mouseover’, add_thumbnail, true);
the version posted actually is a “Quick and Dirty” hack on the first script you posted 😉 Saw it showed some screenshots, so found it working.
Will update the script tonight as you suggested.
I have fiddled around a bit more with the GM script, yet there’s more “just” adding the eventlistener to make it all work. Can’t find a real 100% watertight fix right away so leaving this one “as is” until dugg up somewhere in the future …