This gist might come in handy one day:
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
use loophp\collection\Collection;
use loophp\collection\Contract\Operation\Sortable;
$commandStream = static function (string $command): Generator {
$fh = \popen($command, 'r');
while (false !== $line = fgets($fh)) {
yield $line;
$c = Collection::fromIterable($commandStream('git log'))
->compact('', "\n")
static function (string $value): string {
return trim($value);
static function (int $key, string $value) use (&$lastCommitId): string {
if (strpos($value, 'commit ') === 0) {
[, $commitId] = explode('commit ', $value, 2);
$lastCommitId = $commitId;
return $lastCommitId;
static function (array $values, string $commitId): array {
$callbackFilter = static function ($value): bool
return 1 !== preg_match('/^commit \b[0-9a-f]{5,40}\b/', $value);
$callbackMap1 = static function($value, $key) {
$modifiers = [
$delimiter = ':';
foreach ($modifiers as $modifier) {
$searchItemWithColumn = sprintf('%s%s', $modifier, $delimiter);
if (strpos($value, $searchItemWithColumn) === 0) {
[,$data] = explode($searchItemWithColumn, $value, 2);
return [
strtolower($modifier) => trim($data),
return $value;
$callbackMap2 = static function ($value) {
return is_string($value) ?
['log' => $value] :
$callbackMap3 = static function ($value): string {
return is_array($value) ?
implode(PHP_EOL, $value):
return Collection::fromIterable($values)
->merge(['commit' => $commitId])
[0] => Array
[author] => Pol Dellaiera <>
[commit] => 81c7681622040f3cb4bce207e4489010f40e13c7
[date] => Sun Aug 16 19:11:18 2020 +0200
[log] => WIP
[1] => Array
[author] => Pol Dellaiera <>
[commit] => e716b854527e576d3e9f76455d0f5f8dfe20bf17
[date] => Sun Aug 16 16:12:53 2020 +0200
[log] => Update typing information.
[18] => Array
[author] => Pol Dellaiera <>
[commit] => 940fcec1d86d7296d7c87017755e0f6b09a67802
[date] => Thu Aug 6 23:37:41 2020 +0200
[log] => Update documentation.
[19] => Array
[author] => Pol Dellaiera <>
[commit] => 54d2559e2af97a33c7600ab2e8e0bae76ea7a64a
[date] => Thu Aug 6 22:36:07 2020 +0200
[log] => Add docker stack for building documentation locally.
Thanks 🙂 I will make sure to keep the gist up to date!