With the release of “Edgium”, all major browsers now support Web Components.
An effort 9 years in the making, but we’ve finally made it.
WebComponents are supported natively in every major browser pic.twitter.com/6yPoTXno27
— Polymer Project (@polymer) January 15, 2020
Perfect time to link to this by Viljami Salminen in which he makes the case for Web Components:
We couldn’t just choose [a framework] because the different tech stacks were picked by different teams (or even different sub-companies) for different reasons and we would have never succeeded if we would have tried to force everyone to use a specific technology like React.
Instead, we had the urge to create a technology-agnostic instead of technology-specific system. A system that is based on Web Standards and would survive the births and deaths of JavaScript frameworks.
I’m very curious to see how Stencil wil fare from all this.
💡 Over at CSS Tricks you can find a solid introduction to Web Components, along with this recent one on the various current (and future) styling options for Web Components.