Installing all the things!
On learning a new framework, and having to install a gazillion things for starters, and then eventually seeing it not work at all:
I just want to write a bit of code and make a simple app,” Roger thought. It shouldn’t be this hard.
Still, he didn’t quit. He cut and pasted each and every console error into Google. He discovered on Stack Overflow that the month-old tutorial used Tupress version 2.3.2, Bistup version 1.2.1, Claster version 3.7.2, and Pirend version 4.2.1.
Roger, on the other hand, had installed the latest versions of each, and they no longer played nice together. Also, Tupress 5 just came out and was completely different than Tupress 1 (there was no Tupress 2, 3 or 4).
Relates quite well to this tweet that’s making rounds:
As a data person, here's my understanding of the front-end development landscape at the moment:
— Vicki (@vboykis) September 8, 2017
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