Remember Y2K? Wait for 9KPX.
That’s the day when screens get wider than 9999px and everybody’s <h1> text-indent logo styling reappears.
A rather geeky/technical weblog, est. 2001, by Bramus
Remember Y2K? Wait for 9KPX.
That’s the day when screens get wider than 9999px and everybody’s <h1> text-indent logo styling reappears.
Don’t know how this got popular since it seems misinformed – a website using px based img replacement will look like shit on a 9999px screen anyway most likely covering 1/10th of its width.
We have higher resolution displays these days up to 3k+ pixels on the wide side but even if those got doubled (as in some kind of retina 4k screens) the implementation would map old pixels to the new ones.
So this situation seems unlikely.