Roger asks an interesting question. Must say I call myself a web developer (or webninja when amongst geeks :P)
A rather geeky/technical weblog, est. 2001, by Bramus
Roger asks an interesting question. Must say I call myself a web developer (or webninja when amongst geeks :P)
first off, what bothers me everytime on is that you have to scroll miles down to get to the comment form, develop that! 🙂
to the question, i think you should be called webdeveloper for sure, because thats what you do.
i don’t though, i just use wordpress and some plugins and fiddle with the the themes that are already out there (dunno if editing them comes close to designing a theme up from the ground). i copy & paste a lot of code, but only because i think i copied the right part, and then i see if it works.
so when i do a site, i use someone elses code and style the interface how my aesthetical senses like it and do the graphics. so i guess i should call myself graphic & interface designer (if i am arrogant enough to give my hobby a professional title).
Manu, check the left hand side of every post : first some publishing info and then … a “jump to comment form” link 😉
And ooh, I you don’t want to be entitled as “webdeveloper” then I think you should be called a “webpuzzler” … taking bits and pieces from here and there, placing them all together so that they play nicely 🙂
why “force” a user to click when theres plenty of space below where it could fit? makes no sense to me.
i like graphic & interface designer and i think that’s what i do. webpuzzler sounds a bit too puzzling 😀