Just to inform you all that we – the dudes at Wax – have updated our company website.
The old site really was outdated (both visual and technical) and plans for creating a new one have been around even since before I started working for Wax.
Now that Wax has become part of the Itelco Group, we decided “it was about time” to actually create a new site. However … since a Rome wasn’t built in a day, we decided to create a temporary onepage site and plan a full site “some time later”.
So without further delay: As of last friday wax.be is no longer driven by some dull flash interface (which ain’t SEO-friendly at all), and got rebranded with a spiffy design spiced up with a nice amount of XHTML- & CSS- & JavaScript- & Ajax- & JSON-goodieness!
To say it in John Oxton’s words: Site Pimp: Wax!
Completely web2.0 style with the smooth scrolling trick, nice done.
Good luck with the coding of the new website!
looks kool, but the “cases” window darkening
is a notch toooo dark imo.
besides that: why add more pages? perfect!
Hi Manuel,
I am not 100% sure about the darkening myself. In fact, I think the overall look of the cases could be improved a lot.
maybe less dark, like you said,… and a “smoother” :hover effect. Besides that, I don’t like like it that you never get to see the whole “case-image” because of the overlay with info text that always stays on top. Maybe we should finetune this a little more…
.done … was only a 5 minute tweak 😛