
Wohoow, de portables just made my day today,
spreading word that Slint is coming to Belgium!

Slint Who?

Gonna quote here:

“Another name that comes up in the discussion of post-rock is the Louisville, Kentucky band Slint. The 1991 album Spiderland was very influential in the genre and is considered by many to be a brilliant and defining moment. Slint used guitar, bass, drums and vocals but incorporated them in very unconventional ways. They have become the standard to which every new band in the genre is compared.”

Still not tempted?

If I have my facts straight Slint split up in 1991 (the year they released their timeless masterpiece entitled “Spiderland”) and did a ‘Reunion Tour’ in 2005. Yes that’s 14 years later than the first date mentioned. Since then they haven’t done any gigs I think.
(Just checked Wikipedia, I do have my facts straight)

Slint 2005 Reunion Tour

And on May 23rd they’ll hit the Ancienne Belgique here in Brussels, performing Spiderland from start ’till finish

What are you waiting for?

Buy your tickets now! … or listen to some tracks first if you’re still in doubt

Something you might not know

During on of the mailchat-sessions with Wio and Hans (half of de portables) where we would exchange name of bands to listen to, Wio (or was it Hans) actually suggested Slint to me; Slint being one of their favorites themselves!

Slint Spiderland
Slint’s top-album “Spiderland”


Published by Bramus!

Bramus is a frontend web developer from Belgium, working as a Chrome Developer Relations Engineer at Google. From the moment he discovered view-source at the age of 14 (way back in 1997), he fell in love with the web and has been tinkering with it ever since (more …)

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