Use your Smartphone to move a pointer on a remote page with JavaScript

Sanjeet Chatterjee built this nice demo where your smartphone can act as a virtual pointer for a webpage. With a fundamental shift to the web, we are able to do really cool things right from our browser. In this tutorial, we will be utilising the Generic Sensor API to turn your smartphone into a pointer …

Connect multiple mobile screens together with Swip.js

What if all your mobile devices were a single screen? This probably isn’t the most common question to ask yourself. But, just for a second, actually think about it. Think about all the possibilities of being able to combine any kind of mobile device, independent of its operating system. That’s what Swip.js does. Place two …

How Reddit built r/Place

Each year for April Fools’, rather than a prank, we like to create a project that explores the way that humans interact at large scales. This year we came up with Place, a collaborative canvas on which a single user could only place a single tile every five minutes. This limitation de-emphasized the importance of …

Unnumbered Sparks

Unnumbered Sparks is a monumental interactive sculpture in the sky. Choreographed by visitors in real time through their mobile devices, at night the sculpture became a crowd-controlled visual artwork on a giant, floating canvas. Built using Chrome; Powered by Go, WebGL, WebSockets, Web Audio, and Polymer: Truly impressive. Unnumbered Sparks →

ocppjs – An experimental OCPP Simulator

Simulator for the Open Charge Point Protocol — the protocol by which a Charge Point of an electric vehicle communicates with a Central System — supporting both OCPP-S (standard OCPP, using SOAP over HTTP) and the new OCPP-J (“new” OCPP, using a Wamp inspired protocol over WebSockets). Version 1.2 and 1.5 of OCPP are supported. …

Listen to Wikipedia

Bells are additions, strings are subtractions. There’s something reassuring about knowing that every user makes a noise, every edit has a voice in the roar. (Green circles are anonymous edits and purple circles are bots. White circles are brought to you by Registered Users Like You.) Quit relaxing as it turns out. Uses Websockets, the …

Chrome Experiment – Google “Roll It”

Roll It links your devices through Chrome: roll a ball from your phone to your laptop. Since the whole thing runs on Chrome, no apps, installs, or special configurations are needed – and any smartphone that runs Chrome can play. Use your phone as a remote controller, thanks to websockets. Roll It →

Pusher — HTML5 WebSocket Powered Realtime Messaging Service

Pusher is a hosted API for quickly, easily and securely adding scalable realtime functionality to web and mobile apps It’s as easy as subscribing to a channel: var channel = pusher.subscribe(‘my-channel’); channel.bind(‘my-event’, function(data) { alert(‘Received my-event with message: ‘ + data.message); }); and pushing messages to it: pusher.trigger(‘my-channel’, ‘my-event’, { "message": "hello world" } ); …